Brand Values in Visual Content | #Jan30 17

We're talking about our brand video and photography package. And I was just writing some notes about, I suppose, what goes into our planning before we do the actual photography and the video. The initial consultation is going to be figuring out if we are a match, really, with our clients, isn't it? Then we will go through their brand identity, what their values are, ideal clients, and also discuss locations and what's appropriate for them to be wearing in the different locations. Unless you actually know what the message is that we're trying to help our clients get out there, it can get really jumbled up with just like, "Oh, here's me looking happy here." Or, "Here's me smiling over there or looking off into the distance."

That's it. Like you were saying earlier, a lot of thought goes into things like location and what people are wearing as well, wardrobe. Because it's really got to reflect who they are and what their brand is about.

I've found a lot of people feel like it's like they're supposed to wear a shirt and tie. There's an accountant that I worked for and they have actually, very much... It's like, "Actually, we really don't want to show ourselves as being the stiff shirt and ties. Because we're not a massive business and we all really care about each other, and we want our individuality to be in the office." And actually, I think that's a wonderful element. It's making people think about... That comes down to identity and brand values really, doesn't it?

Yeah, and even if they haven't got those bits in place initially to say that we're different, maybe starting the branding process can encourage them to think that way.

We're helping build people's identities online. All of the things that we discuss in the planning part of it then goes to put the actual plan and then the script guides together. And we normally do this over a couple of meetings, so that by the actual shoot day we've got a plan of what we're going to be doing, what outfits they need to wear for the locations that we're going to be shooting in, and making sure we've got permission from the places that we're shooting.

Last video was at the Windows... Kettell...

Kettell Windows, yes.

It was the last project we worked on, and I think we did a meeting on Zoom, then we had the meeting in person. We met at the offices.

A big part of it was telling their family story, wasn't it? And I think the reason why they booked us was because we're sensitive enough to actually be able to bring personality out, and show the friendliness behind a business.

We were saying earlier, clients like coaches and family run businesses is a massive thing for us because-

Yeah, businesses with heart and soul.

Because the personality is already there and it's just our job to reflect that. And for every new customer or existing customer shows- [crosstalk 00:02:41].

Well, this is all going back to know, like and trust, which is our good old favorite, that one. Yeah, if you're attracting clients and your potential clients are getting to know you, what you do, see if you got a sense of humor, see that you're a kind person and that you look after people. Then actually people start... then they trust you. They think, "Actually, where am I going to invest my money?" And you think, "Yeah, people you trust."

It's quite interesting when people do book, our clients especially, they do see it as an investment that's going to put their brand out there, and they know for a fact that it's going to get them more clients.

Well, it is about growing your business, and times are particularly strange at the moment, if anyone hadn't noticed. I get to say this all the time, becoming more visible online is more and more important. At times, a lot of us have got to adapt. So going through and starting to understand more about what your brand identity is, what your brand values are. It actually helps you progress where your business is going and how you're going to adapt to cope with the...


Challenges, obstacles in our futures.

Especially now in 2021, it's having photos, videos, anything visual is going to connect to you immediately, more so than a body of text. It's amazing to see how many people are leaning towards photos and videos now, and getting in front of the camera.

Because the thing is, it's really challenging. I've been writing a recipe book, not that it's about this, because it isn't. However, being in lockdown, I did loads of lives by myself, because I'd never done a live by myself before. And actually, now I can do a brand video quite easily. I just wrote some notes before doing this. And when you stretch your own comfort zones, everything starts to become more normal. So the quicker you book us for brand photo and video, the quicker you will broaden your horizons and spread to your [crosstalk 00:04:37] comfort zones.

Metaphorical wings.

Spread your wings, yeah. Get in contact with us and have a chat, and you might learn some bits of your business that you didn't realize.

And if not, anyway, just start getting in front of the camera more, is an important thing. Just start taking more photos of what you and your business are doing, and start taking more videos, do more lives. It's all good.

Yeah, have a think, the important things to you and your business, and then start sharing those. Then people will start interacting with things that are important to you, and you're therefore starting to attract your ideal clients, because they're the people that share your values. Which is what it's all about, isn't it, really? So have we spoken enough, do you think, Jasper?

I think that's it.


I think that's enough. We'll cut there. Thanks for watching.

Thanks for tuning in.




Analysis of a branding video | #Jan30 18


Leaving the house | #Jan30 16